
Monday, September 21, 2015

Russian Revolution

In 19th century, almost entire Europe was undergoing social, political, and economical transformation.The Russian Revolution took place in 1917.The rule of old feudal aristocracies had been replaced by the new middle classes but in Russia there was still autocratic rule by Russian Emperors known as Czars.
The Russian state under the Czars was completely unsuited to the needs of modern time. Czars were only supported by the Nobels and upper layers of clergy and the workers had no political rights and  no means of gaining even minor reforms.If the French Revolution symbolized Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, the Russian Revolution symbolized much more –organized struggle, clarity of perspective and courage to go against the tide even if it meant being isolated in the whole world wide.

Discontentment of Different Classes
i.Intolerable and insanitary working conditions.
ii.Existence of more labour than the industries could absorb putting workers at the mercy of their employers.
iii.ban on workers unions and growing labour unrest.

b.Serfs and Peasants-
i.Unenviable position of serfs who were no better than slaves
ii.The Czar made a provisions for them to posses some land.But the reforms neither reduced their tax burden nor increased their income.
iii.Due to the industrialization, handicrafts and rural industries were ruined, thus reducing the opportunities and income of peasants.

i.Creation of a well developed and energetic middle class, which was economically better off, but enjoyed on political and social privileges.
ii.The middle class dominated Zemstovs, which became active and drew up a definite programme of liberal reform.

Czar,s Autocratic Rule and Military Disasters
i.The government of Russia was autocratic without being efficient.
ii.Discrediting of Russian autocracy by military disasters such as Crimean War,The Russo-Japanese War,The Great War of 1914-18.

Influence of Political Thinkers and Philosophers
i.Influence of the liberal and radical ideas of the West on Russia.
ii.Influence of Russian radical intellectuals by Marx and Bakunin(Socialism and Anarchism).
iii.Marxist theory of a revolution was put into for the first time in history.

Immediate Cause 

i.Bloody Sunday-
The revolutionary movement in Russia broke out in 1905.On a 9 January the Assembly of Russian Workingmen—broke out in St.Petersburg and  a mass of people were fired at St.Petersburg and more than thousands of people were and wounded.

ii.March Revolution(February Revolution)-
On 12 March 1917 the capital city St.Petersburg feel into the hands of Revolutionaries.The fall of Czar is known as February Revolution as it occurred on 27 February 1917.
a) Outbreak of strikes and bread-riots in the capital and collapse of Romanov rule.
b) Leaderless,spontaneous and anonymous nature of this revolution.
c) Setting up of a provisional government by Duma and abduction of Czar.

 iii.November Revolution-
On 7 November 1917,a group of sailors occupied winter palace of the Kerensky Government which led to the collapse of this government. This revolution is also known as October Revolution because of the corresponding date of the Russian Calendar, 25 October,1917.
a) The provisional government failed to meet the demands of the masses.
  • The workers wanted immediate improvement in their working conditions
  • The peasants wanted land immediately. 
  • The soldiers wanted peace without any further delay.
b) The Bolsheviks were still a minority of the Russian population, and they would have to secure the acceptance of their rule within Russia as well as without.c) The personality of Lenin, who was skillful tactician, was also responsible. He called out not only for the establishment of a republic of Soviets, but also for the confiscation of estates, the nationalism of land etc.

Signification of the Revolution-
i.It gave Marxism a new dimension by demonstrating that Marxist Revolution can take place even in a semi- industrialized country like Russia.
ii.It was the first of its kind in the history of the revolutions till then where a single individual had played a very crucial role

iii.The origin of the present day Cold War and super power rivalry are sometimes traced to it.

1 comment :

  1. The february 1917 revolution was too late for Russia, and the october revolution shouldn't be let to happen.
