
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

NCERT GISTS TOPICS-Mountain,Plateau,Major Seasons of India

A Mountain is a high natural landform that projects above the surrounding land, in a limited area. It is only when the natural elevation of a landform is more than 1000 feet high above the sea level; it is termed as a mountain.

The peaks of many high mountains are snow-capped because the temperature dips below zero beyond a certain height. Owing to the extreme cold, the rivers in some mountains are permanently frozen. Such rivers of ice are called glaciers.
Mountains have been found under the sea also. Owing to the steep slopes, relatively less land is available for farming in the mountains. People in the mountainous regions practice terrace cultivation. A mountain range is the term used for mountains arranged in a line.
There are three different types of mountains on the earth’s surface:
  • Fold mountains,

  • Block mountains and

  • Volcanic mountains

Fold mountains are a result of folding and are formed when collision occurs between two parts of the earth’s crust.  The oldest fold mountain system is found right here in India: The Aravali range.

Block mountains form when large areas of rock lying beneath the surface deposits of soil are broken and displaced in a vertical direction. The displacement of rocks results in elevated blocks known as horsts and lowered blocks known as grabens.
Volcanic mountains are formed because of volcanic activity. Glaciers in the mountains are source of water for many rivers. This water is stored in reservoirs and used by us for irrigation and generation of hydro-electricity.
Mountains act as storehouses of water for human beings. River valleys and terraces are used for cultivation of crops. Cardamom is produced through terrace cultivation. Mountains are also home to a variety of species of plants and animals. Therefore, tourists are also attracted to mountains for their scenic beauty.
The steep slopes of the mountains attract people who are involved in sports like paragliding, hand gliding, river rafting and skiing.

A Plateau is an elevated land with a flat top, bound by steep slopes on one or more sides. A plateau is also called a tableland. Plateaus cover about 45% of the earth’s surface.

Examples of plateaus are:
  • The Deccan Plateau in India,

  • The East African Plateau in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda,

  • The Western Plateau in Australia and

  • The Tibet Plateau in East Asia

The Deccan Plateau of India is one of the oldest plateaus on the earth’s surface. The Tibet Plateau, is the youngest, highest and largest plateau in the world. Plateaus are formed by lava, rivers or wind.

Lava erupting from cracks on the earth’s surface spreads in the surrounding areas, then cools down, and eventually forms plateaus. Plateaus formed by lava are called lava plateaus.
As rivers flow down the slopes of high mountains, they carry stones and sand with the water. This results in the erosion of the mountains and formation of table lands or plateaus. Plateaus are created when winds wear away the side of an uplifted region and carry the debris to far-off places.
Plateaus are rich in mineral deposits, such as gold and iron. Waterfalls are fairly common in plateau regions. This is because there are often spots where river water falls from great heights. These waterfalls have added to the tourist attractions of these areas.
Lava plateaus have a high percentage of productive black soil containing calcium and magnesium carbonates. Crops like maize, cotton,ragi and chilli grow well in the black soil of plateau regions. The Deccan Plateau, which is a lava plateau, has an extensive deposit of black soil.
Tourists are attracted to plateaus for the beautiful scenery, flora and fauna.

Major Seasons of India--

The weather is the day-to-day change in the atmosphere of a place at a particular time. Change in weather includes the change in temperature, sunshine, humidity and rainfall. Weather changes in cycles known as seasons.

Weather is the state of atmosphere over a shorter period of time, like a day and can change on a daily basis.Climate is the state of the atmosphere that prevails over a longer period of time, like over 30 to 35 years and does not change as frequently as the weather.
Throughout the year, climate changes in cycles; these cycles are known as seasons. In India, we experience four major seasons i.e. summer, rainy,autumn and winter. During March, April and May the sun shines very brightly and the temperature soars. The air becomes very hot stating the onset of the summer season.
In some parts of India, hot and dry cutting winds blow during the summer called Loo. Loo mostly blows over the northern and the western parts of India. In India, the season of rains is called the monsoon season. A good monsoon means adequate rains and a good crop. A good crop means a good economy for the country.
There are two types of monsoon seasons. The Southwest monsoon season that marks the onset of rain begins in June and lasts until September. The Retreating monsoon season occurs in September and October.
The month of June, marks the onset of the south-west monsoon. The moisture laden winds blow from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal towards the mainland. The months of October and November mark the beginning of autumn during which the monsoon winds move back towards the sea.
The month of December marks the beginning of the winter season. In India, winters stretch from December to February. During this season, cool, dry winds blow from the north of India to the south of India.
India lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. It is located in the tropical or the torrid zone. The general climate of India is hot and wet all-round the year. India’s climate can be described as the Monsoon type.
There are various factors that affect the climate of a place are location, altitude, distance from the sea, and relief.

Next topics to be done....
GIST-World Geography(overview)

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