
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

News for Prelims-(2015-2016)- Environment & Climate Change


                                           Environment & Climate Change

Breakthrough Energy Coalition
A group of 28 investors from various countries have launched a new global consortium called –
Breakthrough Energy Coalition.
The members of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition include Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Jack Ma,
Jeff Bezos, Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani etc.The multi-billion dollar group is launched to develop
zero-carbon energy technologies. The group plans to invest in a number of sectors including
electricity generation and storage, transport, industry, agriculture and energy system efficiency.

Inle Lake in Myanmar
Myanmar has launched its first UNESCO Biosphere Reserve – Inle Lake in Shan state. The lake was
designated under the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme in June 2015. The
wetland ecosystem of this freshwater lake is home to various wetland birds, freshwater fishes, otters
and turtles. The lake is reported to be the nesting place for globally endangered Sarus crane.

India inks Raptor MoU
The Union Cabinet has given its approval to sign Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) on the
Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia. This MoU is also called as the
‘Raptor MoU’ under the Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS). With signing it,
India will become the 54th signatory to the MoU.

Indian Long Term Ecological Observatories (I-LTEO)
To study the effects of climate change, India has launched long term ecological observatories (LTEO)
programme. Under the programme, eight long-term ecological observatories are opened to study the
health of eight different biomes. They will cover the Western Himalayas to Western Ghats, Eastern
Himalayas to Andaman & Nicobar Islands, central India to the Sunderbans, and from Jammu & Kashmir to Rajasthan and Gujarat. The initiative will help India to build capacity in study of impact of climate change on various ecosystems including human systems of agriculture and pastoralism. The development of scientific database in this key area will reduce the country’s dependence on studies done abroad.

International festival on Birds
Uttar Pradesh Government has launched International festival on Birds in a bid to promote state as
an international bird-watching destination. The first-of-its-kind festival was inaugurated by Chief
Minister Akhilesh Yadav at the National Chambal Sanctuary (NCS).

Transformative Carbon Asset Facility (TCAF)
The World Bank has launched a $500 million Transformative Carbon Asset Facility (TCAF) to help
developing countries pay for emission reductions and combat climate change. The Transformative
Carbon Asset Facility (TCAF) will establish the world’s first programmatic carbon market. The
scheme will reward countries for reducing emissions by paying a fee for each tonne of carbon dioxide
(CO2) reduced. The facility will help countries implement their Intended Nationally Determined
Contributions (INDCs).

Gorewada Zoo and Wildlife Rescue Centre
India’s biggest Wildlife Rescue Centre named as Gorewada Zoo and Wildlife Rescue Centre has been
commissioned at Gorewada near Nagpur, Maharashtra. It is managed by the Forest Development
Corporation of Maharashtra (FDCM).

Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon along with 13 agencies of the UN system
has launched the new initiative titled “Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape” to build climate resilience in the
world’s most vulnerable countries. The 13 UN organisations participating in the Initiative are FAO,
WHO, and WMO. The initiative has been launched during the United Nations climate change
conference (COP21) in Paris. The initiative will enhance the ability of the countries to anticipate
climate hazards, absorb consequences and reshape development to reduce risks from climate hazards.
The initiative will also work on mobilizing finance and knowledge and to create and operationalize

partnerships to fight against climate change.

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