
Monday, June 6, 2016

IYB-Chapter Enviroment


Nodal agency for implementation of following directives:
1. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
2. South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP)
3. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
4. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)

Survey and Exploration
1. Survey of Flora -Botanical Survey of India (BSI)
2. Survey of Fauna -The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)
3. Forest Survey - Forest Survey of India (FSI)

Biodiversity Conservation
PART 3-Wildlife conservation 

Convention on Mercury

• The salient features of Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management &Transboundary Movement)
Rules, 2016 include the following:
a. Waste Management hierarchy in the sequence of priority of prevention, minimization, reuse, recycling, recovery, co-processing; and safe disposal has been incorporated.
b. All the forms under the rules for permission, import/export, filing of annual returns,transportation, etc. have been revised significantly, indicating the stringent approach for management of such hazardous and other wastes with simultaneous simplification of procedure.
c. The basic necessity of infrastructure to safeguard the health and environment from waste processing industry has been prescribed as Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs), specific to waste type, which has to be complied by the stakeholders and ensured by SPCB/PCC while
granting such authorization.
d. Procedure has been simplified to merge all the approvals as a single window clearance for setting up of hazardous waste disposal facility and import of other wastes.
e. Co-processing as preferential mechanism over disposal for use of waste as supplementary resource, or for recovery of energy has been provided.
f. The process of import/export of waste under the Rules has been streamlined by simplifying the document-based procedure and by revising the list of waste regulated for import/export.

National Green Corps (NGC)

Initiative for creating environmental awareness among children by formulating National Green Corps
(NGC) in 2001-02.
• NGC has received has made the network more than 1,00,000 eco-clubs across the country in 14 years, making it one of the largest conservation networks.
• The unique partnership between the Environment Ministry, the State Government agencies along with the dedicated NGOs, working in the field of environmental education. Children can be catalysts in promoting a mass movement about the ensemble of the environmental issues National Museum of Natural History
• The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), New Delhi is an institution devoted to environmental education and was opened to the public in 1978, on June 5, on the occasion of World Environment Day.
• Programmes Under NMNH : Temporary exhibitions, mobile exhibitions and a large number of nature camps. It also arranges many local and national level competitions leading to Young Environmentalist of the Year Award (YEYA).

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