
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Recent Initiatives in Agriculture

Farmer FIRST
It is an ICAR initiative to enhance farmers-scientists contact with multi stake holders-participation. FIRST refers to Farm, Innovations, Resources, Science and Technology. The project focuses on enabling interaction of scientists with farm conditions and problems; exchange of knowledge between farmers and other stakeholders; integration of technology with different agro-systems;development of rural based institutions; and using the platform of the project having commodity institutions as partners to develop commodity specific contents for e-enabled knowledge sharing.

Mera Gaon – Mera Gaurav
It is launched by ICAR to provide farmers with required information, knowledge and advisories on regular basis. Under this scheme, groups of scientists will select villages and will remain in touch with that village and provide information to farmers on technical and other related aspects through personal visits or through telecommunication. The scheme enables 20,000 scientists of NationalAgricultural Research and Education System (NARES) to work directly in villages.

Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (IIAB)
The Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (IIAB) at Ranchi (Jharkhand) will be established
as a deemed University. Its foundation stone was laid in August 2014. The mandate of the Institute
would be to undertake multi-disciplinary basic research to develop crops for traits such as increased
yield, or increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress; to develop the highly trained manpower
required for fundamental research in agricultural biotechnology; to provide its research output to
breeders and developers in agricultural universities to develop the germ plasm, vaccines etc.

National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (NIHSAD)
NIHSAD, Bhopal is a premier institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for research on
exotic and emerging pathogens of animals. It came into existence in August 2014 as an independent
institute under ICAR from its original status as High Security Animal Disease Laboratory (HSADL),
a regional station of Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar. The institute has
contributed significantly by detecting many animal diseases of exotic origin and preventing them
from entering our country.

National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics (NIVEDI)
NIVEDI, a unit of ICAR has been established at Bengaluru to study the changing pattern of emerging
and re-emerging animal diseases.

National Research Centre on Integrated Farming System
National Research Centre on Integrated Farming (ICAR-NRCIF) will come up in Bihar. The
mandate of the institute will be to conduct research on the development of location specific
integrated farming system models for diverse agro-ecological conditions specially flood and wetland
situation with emphasis on rice, sugarcane and banana which require more water.

National Agricultural Research & Education System (NARES)
NARES is a huge repository of knowledge and information on crop sciences, horticulture, animal
sciences, agricultural engineering, fisheries, agricultural extension, agricultural education and
resource management.

Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) Scheme
ICAR has initiated a programme on “Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture” to empower
youth in rural areas to take up agriculture, allied and service sector enterprises for sustainable income
and gainful employment in selected districts. It enables youth to establish network groups to take up
resource and capital intensive activities like processing, value addition and marketing. ARYA project
is implemented in 25 States through KVKs, one district from each State.

READY refers to “Rural and Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana”. Student READY is
a skill development initiative to strengthen students with skills to take up global challenges and also
to improve both their employability as well as ability to set up a venture.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
It is a central scheme that aims at providing irrigation facilities to every village in the country by
 converging ongoing irrigation schemes implemented by various ministries. It will focus on ‘end-to enddecentralised state-level planning and execution. This scheme has amalgamated three ongoing
programmes of three different ministries viz. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme of the
Ministry of Water Resources; Integrated Watershed Management Programme of the Ministry of
Rural Development; and Farm water management component of the National Mission on
Sustainable Agriculture. For 2015-16, Rs.1,000 crore are allotted for the scheme. The funding
pattern between centre and states is 75:25 percent. In case of north-eastern region and hilly states it
will be 90:10.

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (Traditional Farming Improvement Programme) has been
launched by Government of India to support and promote organic farming and thereby improving
soil health. This will encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly concept of cultivation and reduce their
dependence on fertilizers and agricultural chemicals to improve yields. Government has made
budgetary allocation of Rs. 300 Crores for the same in the Union Budget 2015-16.

Agri-Tech Infrastructure Fund (ATIF)
ATIF is aimed at implementation of an appropriate common e-market platform to regulate 585
regulated wholesale markets in the states across the country.

National Agriculture Market (NAM)
NAM is envisaged as a pan-India electronic trading portal which seeks to network the
existing Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) and other market yards to create a
unified national market for agricultural commodities.NAM will be implemented as a Central Sector
Scheme through Agri-Tech Infrastructure Fund (ATIF).

Price Stabilization Fund Scheme
To control the rising prices of agricultural commodities a Price Stabilization Fund of Rs. 500 Crore
for agricultural commodities was announced in the Union Budget 2014-15 with a view to mitigate
volatility in the prices of agricultural produce.

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