
Monday, September 14, 2015

How to write a Great essay for the IAS Mains?

Essay is the first Paper you will write

The IAS Mains Exam usually starts with the Essay paper in the first session. So, Essay is effectively the first paper you handle in the Mains.

Change in Pattern : 2 Essays in 3 Hours

An important change brought out by the UPSC from 2014 onward is to ask candidates to write two essays in 3 hours rather than write a single essay as was the case before. This calls for time management. Equal time should be spent on both the topics.

Points to Remember while writing the Essay paper:

1. A Great Introduction
2. A Great Conclusion
3. Usage of day-to-day examples
4. Usage of personal anecdotes
5. Quoting famous personalities
6. Small paragraphs
7. A neat handwriting
8. Usage of Sub-Sections
9. Usage of Current Affairs
8 & 9 if it is exactly known only then introduce the CA or Sub-sections.

Body of the essay-

Analyse the topic from various perspectives;
Do not use any advanced term
Write in a very simple manner
Do not adopt an unnecessarily negative tone 
Have a solid thesis statement

Grab the reader’s attention

You can present by introducing following in introduction part.
– An interesting fact
– A piece of knowledge that is surprising
– A very intriguing quote
– A short personal anecdote
– Provoke the reader through a question

To have a great conclusion

A memorable and lasting impression should be left on the reader
– Try to create a powerful image in the mind of the reader
– End with a thought-provoking quotation
– Talk about what action can be done
– End on an interesting twist of logic

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