
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution started giving promotion to new order in the world in various fields such as economy ,polity,society,religion etc.The foundation  state of his new order was already laid down by Renaissance,world trade etc.The beginning of the world trade and colonization prepared the ground for Industrial Revolution in The World.

Capitalism played a very important role in the beginning in industrial revolution because it created atmosphere for the promotion of Industrialization. Capitalism means when instruments and means to produced goods is in control of private sector or individual.In previous modern world the things were different like Production controlled by Craftsman.They were the owner and did their work by themselves but whereas in Modern World the production controlled by private individual ,workers were used as labors on wages. Previous Modern Production was based on simple machines which was easily affordable by craftsman but in Modern Industries requires  technical machines and good infrastructure required was only affordable by capitalist class people.

Salient features of Industrial Revolution : 

1.England became the epicenter for Industrial Revolution in 2nd half of 18 century.

  • With the promotion of Industrial Revolution  land as commodity got importance and this saw the beginning of Enclosure movement in Britain and under this movement the Big Land Lords in Britain started snatching away the land of farmers, creating unemployment among farmers.
  • Coal and Iron were two pillars of Industrial Revolution and Britain has good source of coal and iron.
  • In 1688 Britain saw a glorious revolt which led to the victory of Parliament in England and in 1701 British Parliament passed the Law to elect the Rulers of Britain .This way Britain became the first country to have Parliamentary form  of Government.
  • Colonies acted as source of Raw materials and market.        

2.Industrial Revolution paved path for revolution in infrastructure.

  • Industrial Revolution connected the entire world.Railways became arteries of nation and helped in movement of people and goods from one place to another.Steam boats ended the dependency on winds. For example: George Stephenson-Railway, Mac Adam-Pucca Roads, Robert Fallcon-Steam boat.          

3.Change in Agriculture Pattern.

  • There was a great change in the pattern of agriculture as IR gave promotion to commercialization of agriculture i.e. promotion to production of cash crops like cotton,Indigo etc. especially in colonies of Britain and European Countries.

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION not only changed the mode of production of the World but changed every aspect of life.
#IMPACT on Economy 
            a)Free Trade
            b)Protective Tariff
            d)Industrial Capitalism

  • Protective tariff was to protect the dumping of Foreign goods in a Nation which laissez farire means free-trade to fulfill requirement of Industrial Revolution.Industrial Revolution gave promotion to urban center or Urbanization.Whenever the production of a center increases to such a level that it turns into a city is called Urbanization.
 #IMPACT on Polity
  • In the political Sphere also Industrial Revolution had manifold impact . Before coming of token currency ,Gold and Silver were the medium of exchange and also acted as Hard currency (foreign reserves).So emerging nations wanted to preserve their foreign reserves ,the easiest way for this was increase In Export and reduction in imports But their other nation started competing in it and creating obstacle for each other So the next option was  colonization i.e. subjugation of the Economy of a Nation  for the benefit of the mother country  and this in totally was called Mercantilism. Mercantilism led to suppression and exploitation of colonial people on the grounds of nation .
#IMPACT on Society
  • Capitalism believes in philosophy of talent and as Industrial Revolution gave momentum to capitalism so it became the  cause for changing society. 
  • EX- a)Abolition of slavery and France became First Country to abolish slavery.
  • Improvement in the status of Women  which increased after  1st World War. Increase in the middle class because of Urbanization and this class cautious about its right and Duties played important role in revolt movement and revolutions. 
#IMPACT on Religion
  • When society move from feudalism to capitalism, polity, Economy  and society changes that led to religious movement.
  • In previous modern  world religion is acted as constitution and whenever society moved from one stream to another it laid to changes in economy, polity and society which became the cause of Religious movement. The basic objective of Religious movement was to give religious sanction and stability to the New developments. 
Industrial Revolution made great changes in economy, polity and society which did not require religious interference so French revolution eliminate it domination of POPE and religious in politics.In 1917 when  communist came into power in Russia they declared “GOD is DEAD”.Industrial revolution created ground for open clash between new  order and old order and leading to revolts and revolution in which the first important revolution was AMERICAN revolution.

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